The workbook includes:
- Beautiful 2024 Calendar with the illustrated Russian alphabet;
- 200+ monthly and weekly planning pages, goal planners and vocabulary notes templates;
- Vocabulary and grammar learning tips;
- Russian online resources, movies & TV shows;
- 6 bonus templates (Yearly Planner; Important Dates; Language skills wheel; Russian resources; Movies to watch; Books to read; New Year’s resolutions).
You will learn:
- Names and dates of popular Russian and international holidays;
- Russian basic vocabulary on various topics (Winter, spring, summer & autumn vocabulary; Love and Romance; My Things; Shopping; Café & Restaurant; My City & Street; My House & Room; Work & Jobs);
- Motivational quotes to inspire your learning;
- Well-wishes, congratulations and toasts;
- Days of the week, seasons, months and dates.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel Russian Voice Online School to learn Russian vocabulary and grammar, listen to podcasts and stories in easy Russian.